Monday, February 22, 2010

valentimlek :)

ola :D

huah, seneng banget deh tgl 15 februari 2010 ini !! soalnya valentine day di rayain dengan meriah, apalagi gue berkesempatan untuk PDKT gitu deh. haha sorry dandi babe still love you. PDKT untuk friend maksud gue, dan totally fun! dandi udah mo dateng ke sekolah with his celica but he can't find me :( huhuhu. ya udah lah yaa gue harus ngatur everything at radis jadi gue tinggal padahal gue berharap bgt dia dtg. :(

haha, yang paling lucu itu waktu dansa balon! si agung sama iren mesra begete, si gete hatinya sakit begete tuh, si tewe juga. haha, tasha sama yanu lucu begete!! jadi gemes ngeliatnya soalnya si tasha tuh polos begete, si yanu juga jadi dansa nya aneh gitu, but it was still fun!

dandintan :D

Friday, February 12, 2010

dandi regata :)

hey there. DANDII:)

dandi ku kenapa kamu di australia sih ?? aku tau kamu kesana untuk mencari ilmu ,, tapi se enggaknya kamu cari aja ilmu disini. udah lama deh aku nunggu in kamu untuk asking "would you be my girl ??" dan akhirnya kamu tanyain aku. tapi, kenapa ?! aku kira kamu ga bakal pergi untuk lama .. rupanya, 3 TAHUN ?? okeyy ,, aku bakal nungguin kamu kok dan.

boy, you know I've waited you for long.
and I know you've waited me for long.
now, we're united ,, but why did you go ??
are you going to forget me?
I'll try to wait for 3 years.
how could it be ??
call my name and say that you love me.
call me darl' and say that i'm your darling.
call me hun' and tell me that i'm your hunny.
call me babe and tell me that i'm your baby.
I miss you. but don't miss me.
concentrate on what you're doing.
get what you want,
I'll be waiting for you here. <3

haha, itu puisi gue buat diaa. love ya'

cuaps. dandintan :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

happy sunday :)

hiyai :)

huaah akhirnya setelah berapa lama gue gak nulis blog. soalnya lagi males banget, hmm. eh, udah berapa lama ya gue ga ngeles? selama bulan januari gue ga ngeles bahasa inggris sama sekali, sekali kedatangan aja ngga. gue dateng sekitar bulan februari awal-awal aja, tapi abis itu gue ikut terus. besok senin ada les lagi, huaahh. males banget sih sebetulnya tapi gapapa mengisi waktu supaya nonton OVJ nya seolah-olah lebih cepat dari biasanya.

hehehe, hari ini gue membantu mama gue dengan senang hati !! dan ternyata, kerjaan mama gue jadi lebih cepat selesai.

fiuh, dan akhirnya mbak gue PULANG !! yeah,, iya sih emang ga ada lagi yang bisa gue suruh-suruh tapi akhirnya gue ga ngeliat mukanya yang MELAS dan sifatnya yang MENYEBALKAN ITU !! dia udah make *piipppss** gue, nyolong. terus dia tuh nyolot gitu kalo di panggil, jawabnya kayak gak suka banget. daaaan, tadi pas pulang dia tuh mukanya BAHAGIA !! wuiih,, pengen gue gamprong.

hari ini rencana mau ke gereja di Thamrin gajadi :( tapi gapapa sih. gue kesana soalnya pengen ngeliat COWOK CAKEP, hahaha !! cowok cakep si guitar boy. tapi jadinya ke ciledug aja di kasih setia. soalnya deket, gue pengennya sih di puri tapi gapapa lah, sekarang soal tempat ga gue permasalahkan.

mereka masih jadian, KAPAN LO PUTUS ?? gue nungguin lo putus. gue mau lu sama gue, entah lo bahagia ato nggak. gue sadar sekarang dia tuh ga pantes buat lo. dia tuh older than you. dia itu sebetulnya banyak yang ga demen, sifatnya terutama.

hmm, segini dulu yaa

muahmuah cuapcuapp :p

Monday, February 1, 2010

HOLIDAY in this week :o

HOLIDAY !! yeay !!

but, I just realized it's just one-holi-day. And it sucks !! I really hate this holiday, sooooo boring. I have nothing to do. If I play to my friend's house, she probably going out right now. And now, I'm eating noodles. INSTANT NOODLES !! ohh, sucks.

Well, now I kinda like Justin Bieber's songs. And, he's HOT ! well, cute actually. but I think his voice is totally girlish. maybe, that's because he's sooo young.

urrgh, sorry guys but I'm not in the mood of blogging. see ya'

muahmuah cuapcuapp :p

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

waiting for friday :)

wednesday, thursday, FRIDAY !!

yay !! This Friday, the whole SMPK Satik student is going to TMII ! well, I don;t know for 9th graders becaouse they're having try out. And tomorrow, 7th graders and 8th graders is going home at 12.00 pm !! woohoo !! but, still bringing books.

This week, I really am happy, and jealous. oohh I like this guy, and my friend like him too. she invited him at her birthday party. and EVERY THING she do, she do it with him. like, blowing the candle, first cake, playing guitar, taking foods. EVERYTHING !! well, when i see that, my heart HURTS. but, I try to be patient this time. and, i started to make myself like don't like him at that time, but i can't. so i try to get myself close to him, and I did it ! I make some sensations, and make it at bathroom so it's like i've did 'something' at bathroom. And then, my friend ask edith to take picture with him. And, edith says "ohh, you always take picture with him. not me!" but she (my grrr friend) just laughing. she always confessing that prikitiew boy is only her brother, but I think that prikitiew boy is more than that for her. He is someone special in her heart, and her way to make herself close to him is wrong, for me. But Thank God, the 'prikitiew' boy is my classmate, so I can be with him all the time.

And, I think I started to like Starstrukk - 3oh 3 feat. Katy Perry. The song is fun, and entertaining. And Bad Romance - Lady GaGa too. It's really fun, actually I like Starstrukk more.

Oh, and this times my tummy is hurt. I think it's because this 2 weeks I don't do sports, and suddenly I play volley and basketball.

Oh, and by the way have you seen my newest profile picture at facebook ? I like it !! And especially it was taken by webcam. it's my first time taking picture for myself by webcam. Haha, oh and new news for this month is my sister's continuing her study to Bandung. Yes, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Actually, I don't agree because I don't want to be away from her. Well, it's really fast. Junior high school is just like yesterday, and college is tomorrow. WOO, but it's same like my life. Elementary school is just yesterday, but soon I'll be 8th graders.

And LOVE news, TIKA and CARLOS is in a relationship !!! huhuww ! I really TOTALLY freak out when I heard the news ! haha, it's really freaking me out !! woohoo !! what happen to you tika !! it's CARLOS !!

muahmuah cuapcuapp :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

no work day :o


aduh hari sabtu ini sangat amat membosankan buat gw. dari bangun kerjaan gw online aja melulu. karna hari ini ga ada kerjaan sama sekali. ada sih, agenda to do gw hari ini

-temenin nyokap
-bayar tagihan handphone gw
-beli hadiah buat ayuma
-beli hadiah buat lia juga

besok ada acara ulang tahun nya ayuma, so I have to buy gift for them!

muahmuah cuapcuapp :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010


apa apaan ini!?!? gue gak suka sama malaysia karna ada satu warga nya yang bikin blog itu. rasanya mau ngeluarin kata-kata ga bener!! tapi harus jaga image!


muahmuah cuapcuapp :)